Learn to Edit Documentary Films with Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winner Sam Pollard
Get an unparalleled journey behind Documentary Editing with Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winner Sam Pollard. Nominated for an Oscar for his work with Spike Lee on the film "Four Little Girls," Sam Pollard is a documentary editing legend. The ground-breaking documentary "Style Wars" that he edited; helped define an era.
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Your Class at Your Pace
Self-paced videos that give you the flexibility to do the course when it fits into your schedule.

Additional learning materials include PDFs, a podcast with Eric and, fellow Colorist, Wade Odlum, educational videos on Color Grading aesthetics, and further class footage from the cutting room floor.
Meet The Instructor
Samuel D. Pollard is an American film director, editor, producer, and screenwriter. His films have garnered numerous awards such as Peabodys, Emmys, and an Academy Award- nomination. Spike Lee, whose films Pollard has edited and produced, described him as being "a master filmmaker."
Course Breakdown
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
- Meet Your Instructor (2 Min) - Audit this video
- Back to Basics (9 Min)
- Never Stop Learning (12 Min)
Chapter 2 - Structure
- The Documentary Editing Process (5 Min) - Audit this video
- Forming Structures (8 Min)
- Finding an Arc (6 Min)
Chapter 3 - Directors & Editors
- Crafting Interviews (10 Min) - Audit this video
- When the Moment Is Right (4 Min)
- Know Your Director (3 Min)
- Working with Directors (4 Min)
- Directing the Editor (2 Min)
Chapter 4 - The Script
- Following a Script (5 Min)
- Doc Editors and Writing Credits (2 Min)
Chapter 5 - Shaping a Film
- Building a Documentary (7 Min)
- Doc Editors and Writing Credits (2 Min)
Chapter 6 - Finding Perspective
- Balancing Perspectives (4 Min)
- Creating Drama (7 Min)
- Truth & Subjectivity (15 Min)
Chapter 7 - Pacing
- Finding the Pacing of a Story (4 Min)
- Pacing a Documentary (8 Min)
- Finding the films Framing Device (1 Min)
Chapter 8 - Mood, Tone, & Texture
- Tone & Texture (2 Min)
- Creating a Mood (7 Min)
Chapter 9 - Editing Audio
- Radio Edits (8 Min)
- Frankenbytes (5 Min)
Chapter 10 - Cutting & Recutting
- Cutting & Recutting (10 Min)
- Transitions (10 Min)
- When You Don't Have The Footage (8 Min)
Chapter 11 - Styles of Documentaries
- Vérité Footage (7 Min)
- Re-Enactments (8 Min)
- Jump Cuts (5 Min)
Chapter 12 - The Edit
- The Edit (29 Min) - Audit this video
Chapter 13 - Next Steps
- You've Got to Fail to Succeed (3 Min)
- Next Steps (3 Min)
Appendix A - The Cutting Room Floor
- A Sense of Music (1 Min)
- Avid's Impact on Dissolves (1 Min)
- Cutting on Music - Style Wars (1 Min)
- Notes on the Assembly (1 Min)
- Truth in Docs - Frank Sinatra Vs. Jerry Lewis (1 Min)
- Up Cutting - AKA Audio Bridge (1 Min)
- When Not to Cut (1 Min)
- Working on Style Wars with Tony Silvan (1 Min)
Appendix B - Extras
- Sam Pollard on Editing "Four Little Girls" From Edit Fest NY (2009) (3 Min)
- Sam Pollard on Editing "Serena & Venus" from Sight, Sound, & Story (2018) (3 Min)
- Sam Pollard on Editing "Style Wars" from Sight, Sound, & Story (2018) (2 Min)
- Documentary Organization (2 Min)
- File Organization (2 Min)
- Transcription (3 Min)
- Filmmaker U Interview with his Son Jason Pollard (26 Min)
- Glossary (PDF)
- Credits (PDF)